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格伦·德拉蒙德(Glenn Drummond)几乎没有工作经验,当一位朋友告诉他奥升德格林伍德工厂有一个工作机会时,他梦想成为一名工程师. Family finances had forced Drummond, then 18, to leave Clemson University after one semester, and he needed a backup plan fast.

德拉蒙德于1992年被聘为合同制造运营商. 他的夜班轮班非常辛苦,他经常想辞职. But he stuck to it, eventually becoming a full-time employee.

他当时并不知道,但他很快就会发现,奥升德是一个开创事业的好地方. 该公司不仅致力于发展业务,而且致力于培养人才. 他留在公司的决定让他走上了一条新的职业道路——在24年的时间里,他获得了几次晋升——这是他从未想象过的.

Today, Drummond is Ascend’s global demand planning leader, a position he was promoted to in October 2015. From his Pensacola office, 他负责监督公司全球仓库的库存,并与商业团队密切合作,预测供应,以确保满足客户的需求.

德拉蒙德说:“我把很多功劳都归功于一路走来的很多好人. “我只是把自己的鼻子放在中间,建立了良好而牢固的关系. Thankfully, I had opportunities come my way, and I was able to help the business with the knowledge I have. Ascend has been very good to me in that regard.”

An opportunity to grow

The turning point of his career came in 2001. 他的主管找他申请质量保证技术员的职位. 德拉蒙德已经在这家工厂工作了九年,他渴望迎接新的挑战. 他说,他已经对公司业务有所了解,觉得自己可以为公司做得更多.

He got the job and from there, 坚定的德拉蒙德接了其他任务——每个任务都有更多的要求和责任——甚至还设法回到学校,获得了商学学位. 这个职位给了他一个机会来展示管理层能够为商业决策做出贡献并发挥作用.

上任几周后,他被叫到工厂经理的办公室. 工厂经理告诉德拉蒙德,他怀疑他是否能胜任这项工作, but in a short time Drummond had erased all of them. The compliment, Drummond said, 给了他信心,也强化了他对自己的信念——他有更多的东西可以奉献,现在他有机会证明这一点.

New challenges and promotions

2003年,他与妻子凯伦结婚,第二年,他们的第一个孩子出生了. 2005年,他在一次与同事的闲聊中听说有个职位空缺. Jokingly he said, “Put my name in the hat.” Two days later, 他被任命为工厂纺纱区的一线操作主管. 他说,他曾在那里做过机器操作员,所以很适合.

由于事业发展太快,他的妻子鼓励他重返校园. 他们一起制定了一个计划,让他在莱姆斯通学院获得学位. 在接下来的五年里,他一边工作一边上学,每学期上12个小时的课. He earned his bachelor’s in business management in 2010.

By 2008, the company was realigning its workforce. As a result, 德拉蒙德被调任为主调度员,负责计划监督工厂的生产资产,并安排生产正规网赌软件十大排行以满足客户离开工厂的订单. It was a steep learning curve, he said.

“当时只剩下一位规划师,他在那里工作了45年,”他说. “He was my only support, and he died in January 2009. So now, I’m the only one who can plan and schedule. I had to go from zero to 60 really quickly. 与此同时,我还在上学,我们在2008年生了第二个孩子.”

工厂经理问德拉蒙德他们是否应该再雇一个策划师. Drummond said no. 他决定全力以赴,尽力把这个角色演好. 他一笔勾销,开始精简日程安排流程,提高效率.

Lateral move adds skills, leads to new role

“我开发了一个系统,这样我就可以管理所有这些,”他说. “It’s the same system being used today. 我非常自豪地知道我在三年半里做到了这一点.”

德拉蒙德在被提升为业务运营规划师后,于2012年搬到了彭萨科拉, 他将这份工作描述为“聚合物和纤维部门规划的巅峰之作”.他负责监督更高水平的生产、库存、预测和需求计划.

By 2015, he was ready to move to a new role. 为了配合公司的新业务战略,业务运营规划师的角色被缩减为只监督纤维. He wanted to keep developing, 所以他寻求横向调动,成为了北美和南美的需求规划师. 这个职位将使他更接近Vydyne和所有的商业链,让他有机会完善自己的技能, he said.

7个月后,全球需求规划师的职位空缺了. “当我读到描述时,我想,‘我能做到,’”他说. He got the job.

Drummond has come a long way since his first day at Ascend. 通过热情和努力工作,他能够发展出成功的事业. Other employees have the same opportunity at Ascend, he said.

“I would say don’t underestimate your value. You have the potential to give more,” he said. “Knock on those doors so you can show that potential. Don’t settle or be complacent. You have to push yourself."

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